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Extraction of personal data from digital devices: legal framework and guidance, 3 December 2024


  • An exclusive workshop that looks at the challenging area around the extraction of personal data from digital devices.


  • This has been the subject of much scrutiny recently. Cases have been lost due to this not being considered or incorrectly conducted and victims have expressed how they feel they are the ones under investigations rather than the offender.


  • As a result, the landscape of legislation and guidance governing these activities has been updated.


  • This CPD event has been designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the context that led to the introduction of legislation, as part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, the supporting Code of Practice and other associated legal or procedural requirements, in order to be able to extract information stored on electronic devices in criminal investigations, locating missing persons, safeguarding certain people or investigations of death.


  • The day will be led by our trainer former investigator Adrian Ramdat who has delivered many of our best attended events including covert, intelligence and all aspects of current legislation and guidance affecting investigators.


  • Held online via Teams


  • Certificates of CPD available.



9.20am-9.30am: Welcome and introduction, Carol Jenkins, The Investigator

9.30am-10.10am: Session One: Introduction to today’s expert. Adrian Ramdat. Background and context that has led to the introduction of the legislation that covers the extraction of data form digital devices.

10.10am-10.20am: Questions

10.20am-10.40am: Break

10.40am-11.30am: Session Two: Extracting Information Under the Police, Crime and Sentencing Act 2022, a breakdown of the sections 37 to 41 of the Police, Crime and Sentencing Act 2022, as it refers to the extraction of data for criminal investigations, locating missing persons, the protection of children or ‘at-risk’ adults and investigations of death.

11.30am-11.40am: Questions

11.40am-12.10pm: Break

12.10pm-1pm: Session Three: What Other Law and Guidance is a need to know? A look at the associated legislation and guidance that need to be considered when extracting information from electronic devices.

1pm-1.40pm: Session Four: Considerations in relation to Children, Vulnerable Individuals and Adults without Capacity


1.40pm-2pm: Questions

2pm: workshop finishes


Our expert trainer

The day will be led by expert trainer and Adrian Ramdat, a former investigator who spent over 26 years working operationally at a local, regional, national and international level in various covert roles and investigative roles.

He now trains and lectures investigators in the UK and across the world in covert investigations and investigative practice.


Adrian had led some of our most popular workshops and he is known for his informative and credible sessions and his ability to translate often complex information into easy-to-understand best practice that can be used in an operational environment.



Cost: £205.75+ VAT (GBP) per delegate (LEA and Government Agency rate).  £305.75 + VAT (Industry rate). 

Group bookings: We offer various discounts for group bookings depending on numbers, please contact us for details.

Booking: Please send the delegates name(s), email address(es) and purchase order (made out to The Investigator) to or telephone +44(0)844 660 8707 for further information. 

Payment can be made by PayPal/debit/credit card (corporate card fees apply + 3%). ​The meeting link will be sent out 7 days before the event.

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